Teaching children about God is more than simply filling an hour with Bible Stories and verses. It's building a relationship with each child that will help him or her to grow closer to God. To be really effective, you need more of a relationship with the child than you can develop in a class full of children on a Sunday morning. This page is dedicated to sharing ways to take the ministry out of the classroom, and reach into the child's home. Personalized Visitor Letters One of the simplest ways to enter a home is through the mail. If you have ever visited a church, you probably received a letter thanking you for attending and inviting you back again. While this is better than nothing, a personal letter will be much more effective. You can start with a standard letter, but leave room to personalize it by referring to specific details about the child’s visit. For example, you might say, “Thank you for coming to our club on Monday with Tad. I enjoyed hearing about the soccer team you are on. You seemed to enjoy the review game, and did very well for a first time visitor. I hope to see you again next week.” If you are in a ministry such as Sunday School, you can personalize a standard church letter with a short note for each member of the family written by their Sunday School or Children’s Church leaders.